Is It True That Obesity Reduces Sex Quality?

(Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash)

HEALTHY HAPPY JOY - You may have often heard the various risks of being overweight to health. However, what many people don't talk about is how obesity or being overweight affects a partner's sex life. To find out what kind of impact obesity or overweight has on sex, see the full review below.

Effect of weight on sex

The relationship between being overweight and sexual performance has been widely studied by experts.

From various studies, it is found that approximately 30% of people who are overweight or obese complain of sexual problems.

Here are some of the problems reported by people who are overweight or obese.


In men who are overweight or obese, one of the side effects experienced is erectile dysfunction (impotence).

A reproductive expert from the New York University School of Medicine, dr. Andrew McCollough explains that erectile dysfunction occurs in men who are overweight because of the high risk of narrowing of the arteries.

This is caused by a buildup of fat in the blood vessels around the penis area.


Women who are overweight or obese also experience problems with poor blood flow, as do men.

Excess body fat can block the arteries that supply blood to the pelvic area. As a result, the clitoris and vagina becomes difficult to react to sexual stimulation.

Weight affects self-confidence during love

In addition to decreased sex drive, some people who are overweight or obese also experience self-confidence problems when having sex with their partners. The reason is, so far, women with sexy and slender bodies have always been a sex symbol.

Meanwhile, obese people are rarely shown as sensual figures.

The influence of this media can make many overweight people lose confidence.

There are concerns that their partner will not be passionate when making love with people who are fat.

This worry is hard to go away, even if the partner doesn't mind at all. As a result, the desire to make love even more easily extinguished.

Tips to increase sex drive and quality if you are fat

Sex problems can happen to anyone with any body shape. A slender and sexy body does not guarantee a satisfying sex drive and quality.

However, there is nothing wrong if you try to control your weight.

Some of the benefits that can be obtained from losing weight are increased stamina, the body is more flexible and agile, so that blood circulation is smoother.

These things can certainly make your sex life and your partner more satisfying.

Another way to increase sex drive for couples who are overweight or obese is to increase self-confidence.

Learn to love yourself and start living a healthy lifestyle. If self-confidence issues are overwhelming, try talking to a therapist or marriage counselor.

If all means have been taken but do not produce results too, do not hesitate to see your doctor.

Consulting a doctor can help you find the root of the problem and work out the best solution.[*]
